[RmS - Verison 1.1]
Some information about the server: Map is 96,5 Mbs (96508 kb's) Server is changed to 8.5 (Tfs Mystic Spirit) House bug fixed v2. 252 Npc's All Real Tibia Spells 8.5 Carlin
Positions (Temple): Thais [x: 32369 - y: 32241 - z: 7] Carlin [x: 32360 - y: 31782 - z: 7] Venore [x: 32957 - y: 32076 - z: 7] Ab'Dendriel [x: 32732 - y: 31634 - z: 7] Svargrond [x: 32212 - y: 31133 - z: 7] Darashia [x: 33213 - y: 32453 - z: 1] Ankrahmun (depot) [x: 33126 - 32841 - z: 7] Port Hope [x: 32595 - y: 32746 - z: 7] Edron [x: 33217 - y: 31814 - z: 8] Liberty Bay [x: 32317 - y: 32826 - z: 7] Rookgaard (Start) [x: 31974 - y: 32277 - z: 7] Rookgaard (Temple) [x: 32096 - y: 32219 - z: 7]
To do list: Making full rookgaard (ca. 90% now). Fixing 18 errors when you start the server exe.