OTS i Tibia

OTS i Tibia


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#1 2008-05-22 16:16:06



Zarejestrowany: 2008-05-22
Posty: 48
Punktów :   

[8.1] ColdFlamez V6 [SQL] and [XML]

Witam. Dam wam nowy silnik którym jest  ColdFlamez V6. Jest on w wersji SQL jak i za równo wersji .xml
Siknik nie jest mój - Pochodzi z otfans.net


V6.1 - Current Version (March 2008)

--NPC's Fixed
--Spawns Fixed
--Houses Empty

--Large Map increase
--All 'Main Coding Finished Finally!'
--New Monsters
--New Items
--Codex finished
--Large Houses to the Right of ColdFlamez City Built
--New Housing Codes Written
--Temple Position Fixed
--Reported 'Teleportation' Big Fixed
--Magic Damage objects Range increased (Deathstick)
--Deathstick Quest Glitch fixed
--New Hunting Areas
--Server Compiled withing Compilations of Files to Change the Entire File Size from 14.77mb to 10mb
--Clean Glitches (Not Picking up Random Items) Fixed
--/save Saves Deaths
--Items 'Started' to be Updated

--OTBM Files Could not be updated due to ColdFlamez's original Items OTBM Files
--Unknown Error in House ID - 6

--The Account Manager Is no Longer Bugged
--Most Remaining Accounts Deleted
--Small amount of Loot Remaining in The houses Removed

--The V5 is a User Friendly Server
--Ingame Cleaner Delay added (once every 15 mins)
--Blue Robe Fixed
--ALL Houses Emptied
--Unused Parts of the Map Deleted
--More Hunting Areas Made
--More Houses
--More Monsters
--Jailing Runes/PZ Runes and Death Sentence Runes Added
--All Houses Are Unowned
--Object Rotation Fixed
--Random Debug's Fixed
--Lag Reducers InPlace

--All Houses have been Cleared
--SQL Server Works (reported by A User)
--XML Houses are Unowned
--More Powerfull Running Processor
--Built to Last Longer
--Comes with a Built in Restarter (although you wont need it)
--All Players have been Deleted
--All Accounts have been deleted
--Slight map alterations
--NO Difference Between the XML and SQL (except the obvious)
--a Secret GOD Spawn Introduced!

--Custom Runes introduced
--NPC selling the Custom Runes
--XML and SQL
--Map Changed (North Hunting Areas)
--Monsters Introduced
--Source Added to Both XML and SQL
--SQL not Sqlite!
--AutoClean Added into Config.lua (SQL Only)
--New Weapons Introduced
--New Quests for Teams
--Good End of Quest Prize Introduction (More that one Prize obtainable)
--Faster Attack
--More Houses

FEW PROBLEMS WITH V3:--Houses are Owned and have loot in XML version
--Players and Account Files have LOTS of Contense in XML Version

--Attack Speed Slowed Down
--Exhaust Reintroduced
--Monsters Added
--Trainer Position Moved
--All Debugged Hunting Areas Fixed
--Lucifer Field Fixed (various - Houses, Monsters, Debugs ect)
--Housing Codes Written for ALL Houses (lucifer field)
--Additional Hunting Areas made
--Sewers Created
--EXP Rate Lowered
--Monsters HP / Attack / EXP Edited for ALL Monsters
--3 Stages Of Manarunes Introduced for all Levels
--All Houses Emptied of All Loot Remaining From When i had the server Online
--All Houses are now Unowned
--NPC's Such as 'Manarunes' added
--Some of the Old Cities erased from Map
--Account manager Fixed (outfit / Starting level / Equiptment)
--Spell Vocation Reqirements added
--Random Server Save Only Saves Players not Whole Server

--Fast Attack
--No Exhaust
--Custom monsters
--Custom Spells
--In game Cleaner to Reduce lag
--In game Saver
--Lag Decreasers In place
--In game account manager
---Knight, Paladin, Crucader, Sorcerer
--Balanced Vocations

XML -  http://www.speedyshare.com/494729155.html
SQL - http://www.speedyshare.com/779774891.html


Xidazaou - Server Running Base Creation
ME - Alterations
- Mapping
- Scripting
- Monster Creation
- Spell Creation
- Hunting Area Creation
Fans - Giving me the Motovation to Make this Server
Annonomus - Testing out the V5
Destruction - Random Ideas

    ściągacie na własną odpowiedzialność! Ja tego silnika nie skanowałem ani nie ściągałem
    Jak ktoś może, to proszę o skan.



#2 2008-05-22 19:47:46



Zarejestrowany: 2008-05-22
Posty: 20
Punktów :   

Re: [8.1] ColdFlamez V6 [SQL] and [XML]

Bardzo dobry ots na duże expy
Polecam !



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