OTS i Tibia
Mam dla was Addonera i z nim addon real system!
ok zaczynamy...:
w Folderze Data>npc robimy Varkhal.xml a w nim:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <npc name="Varkhal" script="data/npc/scripts/addon.lua" access="5" lookdir="2" autowalk="25"> <mana now="800" max="800"/> <health now="200" max="200"/> <look type="134" head="78" body="88" legs="0" feet="88"/> </npc>
teraz wchodzimy w folder scripts i robimy plik addon.lua w nim wklejamy to:
local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) -- OTServ event handling functions start function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end -- OTServ event handling functions end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) -- Place all your code in here. Remember that hi, bye and all that stuff is already handled by the npcsystem, so you do not have to take care of that yourself. if(npcHandler.focus ~= cid) then return false end addon_need_premium = 'Sorry, you need a premium account to get addons.' addon_have_already = 'Sorry, you already have this addon.' addon_have_not_items = 'Sorry, you don\'t have these items.' addon_give = 'Here you are.' player_gold = getPlayerItemCount(cid,2148) player_plat = getPlayerItemCount(cid,2152)*100 player_crys = getPlayerItemCount(cid,2160)*10000 player_money = player_gold + player_plat + player_crys if msgcontains(msg, 'addons') then selfSay('I can give you Citizen, Hunter, Knight, Mage, Nobleman, Summoner, Warrior, Barbarian, Druid, Wizard, Oriental, Pirate, Assassin, Beggar and Shaman addons.') elseif msgcontains(msg, 'help') then selfSay('To buy the first addon say \'first NAME addon\', for the second addon say \'second NAME addon\'.') ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first citizen addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5878) >= 100 then selfSay('Did you bring me 100 minotaur leathers?') talk_state = 1 else selfSay('I need 100 minotaur leather, to give you the first citizen addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 1 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5878) >= 100 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,10001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5878,100) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 128, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 136, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,10001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second citizen addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5890) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5902) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2480) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me 100 chicken feathers, 50 honeycombs and the legion helmet?') talk_state = 2 else selfSay('I need 100 chicken feathers, 50 honeycombs and a legion helmet, to give you the second citizen addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 2 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5890) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5902) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2480) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,10002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5890,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5902,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2480,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 128, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 136, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,10002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first hunter addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5947) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5876) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5948) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5891) >= 5 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5887) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5888) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5889) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me the engraved crossbow, 100 lizard leathers, 100 red dragon leather, 5 enchanted chicken wings, royal steel, hell steel and draconian steel?') talk_state = 3 else selfSay('I need a engraved crossbow, 100 lizard leathers, 100 red dragon leather, 5 enchanted chicken wings, royal steel, hell steel and draconian steel, to give you the first hunter addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 3 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5947) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5876) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5948) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5891) >= 5 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5887) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5888) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5889) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,20002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5947,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5876,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5948,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5891,5) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5887,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5888,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5889,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 129, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 137, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,20002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second hunter addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5875) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me the sniper gloves?') talk_state = 4 else selfSay('I need sniper gloves, to give you the second hunter addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 4 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5875) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,20001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5875,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 129, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 137, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,20001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first knight addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5892) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5880) >= 100 then selfSay('Did you bring me the chunk of crude iron and 100 iron ores?') talk_state = 5 else selfSay('I need a chunk of crude iron and 100 iron ores, to give you the first knight addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 5 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5892) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5880) >= 100 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5892,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5880,100) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 131, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 139, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,30001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second knight addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5893) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5924) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5885) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5887) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me 100 behemoth fangs, the damaged steel helmet, warrior\'s sweat, and royal steel?') talk_state = 6 else selfSay('I need 100 behemoth fangs, a damaged steel helmet, warrior\'s sweat and royal steel, to give you the second knight addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 6 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5893) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5924) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5885) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5887) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5893,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5924,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5885,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5887,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 131, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 139, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,30002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first mage addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5958) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me a winning lotery ticket?') talk_state = 7 else selfSay('I need a winning lotery ticket, to give you the first mage addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end elseif getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,2181) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2182) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2183) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2185) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2186) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2187) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2188) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2189) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2190) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2191) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5904) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2193) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5809) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me all the wands and rods, 10 magic sulphors, 20 ankhs and a soul stone?') talk_state = 7 else selfSay('I need all kind of wands and rods, 10 magic sulphurs, 20 ankhs and a soul stone, to give you the first mage addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 7 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5958) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,40001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5958,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 141, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,40001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end elseif getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,2181) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2182) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2183) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2185) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2186) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2187) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2188) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2189) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2190) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2191) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5904) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2193) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5809) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,40001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2181,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2182,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2183,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2185,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2186,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2187,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2188,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2189,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2190,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2191,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5904,10) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2193,20) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5809,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 130, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,40001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second mage addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5894) >= 70 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5911) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5883) >= 40 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5922) >= 35 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5886) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5881) >= 60 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5882) >= 40 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5904) >= 15 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5905) >= 30 then selfSay('Did you bring me 70 bat wings, 20 red pieces of cloth, 40 ape fur, 35 holy orchid, 10 spools of spider silk yarn, 60 lizard scales, 40 red dragon scales, 15 magic sulphurs and 30 vampire dusts?') talk_state = 8 else selfSay('I need 70 bat wings, 20 red pieces of cloth, 40 ape fur, 35 holy orchid, 10 spools of spider silk yarn, 60 lizard scales, 40 red dragon scales, 15 magic sulphurs and 30 vampire dusts, to give you the second mage addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end elseif getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5903) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me the Ferumbrass\' hat?') talk_state = 8 else selfSay('I need the famous Ferumbrass\' hat, to give you the second mage addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 8 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5894) >= 70 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5911) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5883) >= 40 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5922) >= 35 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5886) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5881) >= 60 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5882) >= 40 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5904) >= 15 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5905) >= 30 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,40002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5894,70) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5911,20) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5883,40) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5922,35) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5886,10) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5881,60) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5882,40) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5904,15) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5905,30) then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 141, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,40002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end elseif getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5903) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,40002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5903,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 130, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,40002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first summoner addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5958) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me a winning lotery ticket?') talk_state = 9 else selfSay('I need a winning lotery ticket, to give you the first summoner addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end elseif getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,2181) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2182) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2183) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2185) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2186) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2187) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2188) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2189) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2190) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2191) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5904) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2193) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5809) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me all the wands and rods, 10 magic sulphors, 20 ankhs and a soul stone?') talk_state = 9 else selfSay('I need all kind of wands and rods, 10 magic sulphurs, 20 ankhs and a soul stone, to give you the first summoner addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 9 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5958) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,50001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5958,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 133, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,50001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end elseif getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,2181) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2182) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2183) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2185) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2186) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2187) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2188) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2189) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2190) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2191) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5904) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2193) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5809) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,50001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2181,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2182,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2183,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2185,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2186,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2187,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2188,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2189,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2190,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2191,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5904,10) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2193,20) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5809,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 138, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,50001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second summoner addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5894) >= 70 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5911) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5883) >= 40 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5922) >= 35 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5886) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5881) >= 60 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5882) >= 40 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5904) >= 15 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5905) >= 30 then selfSay('Did you bring me 70 bat wings, 20 red pieces of cloth, 40 ape fur, 35 holy orchid, 10 spools of spider silk yarn, 60 lizard scales, 40 red dragon scales, 15 magic sulphurs and 30 vampire dusts?') talk_state = 10 else selfSay('I need 70 bat wings, 20 red pieces of cloth, 40 ape fur, 35 holy orchid, 10 spools of spider silk yarn, 60 lizard scales, 40 red dragon scales, 15 magic sulphurs and 30 vampire dusts, to give you the second summoner addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end elseif getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5903) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me the Ferumbrass\' hat?') talk_state = 10 else selfSay('I need the famous Ferumbrass\' hat, to give you the second summoner addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 10 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerSex(cid) == 1 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5894) >= 70 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5911) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5883) >= 40 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5922) >= 35 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5886) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5881) >= 60 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5882) >= 40 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5904) >= 15 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5905) >= 30 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,50002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5894,70) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5911,20) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5883,40) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5922,35) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5886,10) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5881,60) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5882,40) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5904,15) and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5905,30) then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 133, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,50002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end elseif getPlayerSex(cid) == 0 then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5903) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,50002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5903,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 138, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,50002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first barbarian addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5884) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5885) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5911) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5910) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5886) >= 10 then selfSay('Did you bring me the fighting spirit, the warrior\'s sweat, 50 red pieces of cloth, 50 green pieces of cloth and 10 spider silk yarns?') talk_state = 11 else selfSay('I need fighting spirit, warrior\'s sweat, 50 red pieces of cloth, 50 green pieces of cloth and 10 spider silk yarns, to give you the first barbarian addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 11 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5884) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5885) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5911) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5910) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5886) >= 10 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,60001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5884,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5885,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5911,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5910,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5886,10) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 143, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 147, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,60001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second barbarian addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5880) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5892) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5893) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5876) >= 50 then selfSay('Did you bring me 100 iron ore, 1 chunk of crude iron, 50 behemoth fangs and 50 lizard leathers?') talk_state = 12 else selfSay('I need 100 iron ore, 1 chunk of crude iron, 50 behemoth fangs and 50 lizard leathers, to give you the second barbarian addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 12 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5890) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5902) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2480) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,60002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5890,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5902,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2480,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 143, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 147, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,60002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first druid addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5897) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5896) >= 50 then selfSay('Did you bring me 50 wolf paws and 50 bear paws?') talk_state = 13 else selfSay('I need 50 wolf paws and 50 bear paws, to give you the first druid addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 13 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5897) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5896) >= 50 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,70001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5897,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5896,50) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 144, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 148, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,70001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second druid addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5937) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5938) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5906) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5942) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5940) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me a Griffinclaw flower sample, water from the hydra cave, 100 demon dusts, a blessed wooden stake and Ceiron\'s wolf tooth chain?') talk_state = 14 else selfSay('I need a Griffinclaw flower sample, water from the hydra cave, 100 demon dusts, a blessed wooden stake and Ceiron\'s wolf tooth chain, to give you the second druid addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 14 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5937) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5938) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5906) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5942) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5940) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,70002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5937,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5938,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5906,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5942,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5940,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 144, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 148, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,70002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first nobleman addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if player_money >= 150000 then selfSay('Did you bring me 150000 gold coins?') talk_state = 15 else selfSay('I need 150000 gold coins, to give you the first nobleman addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 15 then talk_state = 0 if player_money >= 150000 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,80001) if addon == -1 then if pay(cid,150000) then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 132, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 140, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,80001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second nobleman addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if player_money >= 150000 then selfSay('Did you bring me 150000 gold coins?') talk_state = 16 else selfSay('I need 150000 gold coins, to give you the second nobleman addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 16 then talk_state = 0 if player_money >= 150000 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,80002) if addon == -1 then if pay(cid,150000) then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 132, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 140, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,80002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first oriental addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5945) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me the mermaid comb?') talk_state = 17 else selfSay('I need a mermaid comb, to give you the first oriental addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 17 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5945) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,90001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5945,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 146, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 150, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,90001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second oriental addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5883) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5895) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5891) >= 2 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5912) >= 100 then selfSay('Did you bring me 100 ape furs, 100 fish fins, 2 enchanted chicken wings and 100 blue pieces of cloth?') talk_state = 18 else selfSay('I need 100 ape furs, 100 fish fins, 2 enchanted chicken wings and 100 blue pieces of cloth, to give you the second oriental addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 18 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5883) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5895) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5891) >= 2 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5912) >= 100 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,90002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5883,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5895,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5891,2) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5912,100) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 146, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 150, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,90002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first warrior addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5925) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5899) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5884) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5919) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me 100 hardened bones, 100 turtle shells, fighting spirit and a dragon claw?') talk_state = 19 else selfSay('I need 100 hardened bones, 100 turtle shells, fighting spirit and a dragon claw, to give you the first warrior addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 19 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5925) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5899) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5884) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5919) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,100001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5925,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5899,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5884,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5919,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 134, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 142, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,100001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second warrior addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5887) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5880) >= 100 then selfSay('Did you bring me 100 iron ores and royal steel?') talk_state = 20 else selfSay('I need 100 iron ores and royal steel, to give you the second warrior addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 20 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5887) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5880) >= 100 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,100002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5887,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5880,100) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 134, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 142, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,100002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first wizard addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,2488) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2123) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2492) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2536) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me a medusa shield, a dragon scale mail, a ring od the sky and crown legs?') talk_state = 21 else selfSay('I need a medusa shield, a dragon scale mail, a ring od the sky and crown legs, to give you the first wizard addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 21 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,2488) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2123) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2492) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,2536) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,110001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2488,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2123,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2492,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,2536,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 145, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 149, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,110001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second wizard addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5922) >= 50 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,110001) then selfSay('Did you bring me 50 holy orchids?') talk_state = 22 else selfSay('I need 50 holy orchids and you must have a skull mask or a snake tiara, to give you the second wizard addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 22 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5922) >= 50 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,110002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5922,50) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 145, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 149, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,110002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first assassin addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5898) >= 30 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5882) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5881) >= 30 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5895) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5905) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5906) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5885) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me 30 beholder eyes, 10 red dragon scales, 30 lizard scales, 20 fish fins, 20 vampire dusts, 10 demon dusts and Warrior\'s sweat?') talk_state = 23 else selfSay('I need 30 beholder eyes, 10 red dragon scales, 30 lizard scales, 20 fish fins, 20 vampire dusts, 10 demon dusts and Warrior\'s sweat, to give you the first assassin addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 23 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5898) >= 30 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5882) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5881) >= 30 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5895) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5905) >= 20 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5906) >= 10 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5885) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,120001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5898,30) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5882,10) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5881,30) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5895,20) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5905,20) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5906,10) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5885,1) then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 152, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 156, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,120001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second assassin addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5909) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5910) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5911) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5912) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5913) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5914) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5886) >= 10 then selfSay('Did you bring me 50 blue piece of cloth, 50 green piece of cloth, 50 red piece of cloth, 50 brown piece of cloth, 50 yellow piece of cloth, 50 white piece of cloth and 10 spider silk yarns?') talk_state = 24 else selfSay('I need 50 blue piece of cloth, 50 green piece of cloth, 50 red piece of cloth, 50 brown piece of cloth, 50 yellow piece of cloth, 50 white piece of cloth and 10 spider silk yarns, to give you the second assassin addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 24 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5909) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5910) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5911) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5912) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5913) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5914) >= 50 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5886) >= 10 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,120002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5909,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5910,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5911,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5912,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5913,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5914,50) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5886,10) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 152, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 156, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,120002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first beggar addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5883) >= 100 and player_money >= 20000 then selfSay('Did you bring me 100 ape furs and 20000 gold coins?') talk_state = 25 else selfSay('I need 100 ape furs and 20000 gold coins, to give you the first beggar addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 25 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,5883) >= 100 and player_money >= 20000 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,130001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5883,100) == 0 and pay(cid,20000) then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 153, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 157, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,130001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second beggar addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,6107) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me Simon\'s favourite staff?') talk_state = 26 else selfSay('I need Simon\'s favourite staff, to give you the second beggar addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 26 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,6107) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,130002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,6107,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 153, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 157, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,130002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first pirate addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,6126) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6097) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6098) >= 100 then selfSay('Did you bring me 100 eye patches, 100 peg legs and 100 hooks?') talk_state = 27 else selfSay('I need 100 eye patches, 100 peg legs and 100 hooks, to give you the first pirate addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 27 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,6126) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6097) >= 100 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6098) >= 100 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,140001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,6126,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,6097,100) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,6098,100) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 151, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 155, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,140001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second pirate addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,6099) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6100) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6101) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6102) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me Ron the Ripper\'s sabre, Deadeye Devious\' eye patch, Lethal Lissy\'s shirt, Brutus Bloodbeard\'s hat?') talk_state = 28 else selfSay('I need Ron the Ripper\'s sabre, Deadeye Devious\' eye patch, Lethal Lissy\'s shirt, Brutus Bloodbeard\'s hat, to give you the second pirate addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 28 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,6099) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6100) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6101) >= 1 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,6102) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,140002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,6099,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,6100,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,6101,1) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,6102,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 151, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 155, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,140002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'first shaman addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,3955) >= 5 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5015) >= 1 then selfSay('Did you bring me 5 dworc vodoo dolls and a mandrake?') talk_state = 29 else selfSay('I need 5 dworc vodoo dolls and a mandrake, to give you the first shaman addon. Come back when you have it.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 29 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,3955) >= 5 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,5015) >= 1 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,150001) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,3955,5) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,5015,1) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 154, 1) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 158, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,150001,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ addon ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'second shaman addon') then if isPremium(cid) then if getPlayerItemCount(cid,3966) >= 5 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,3967) >= 5 then selfSay('Did you bring me 5 banana staffs and 5 tribal masks?') talk_state = 30 else selfSay('I need 5 banana staffs and 5 tribal masks, to give you the second shaman addon. Come back when you have them.') talk_state = 0 end else selfSay(addon_need_premium) talk_state = 0 end ------------------------------------------------ confirm yes ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 30 then talk_state = 0 if getPlayerItemCount(cid,3966) >= 5 and getPlayerItemCount(cid,3967) >= 5 then addon = getPlayerStorageValue(cid,150002) if addon == -1 then if doPlayerTakeItem(cid,3966,5) == 0 and doPlayerTakeItem(cid,3967,5) == 0 then selfSay(addon_give) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 154, 2) doPlayerAddAddon(cid, 158, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,150002,1) end else selfSay(addon_have_already) end else selfSay(addon_have_not_items) end ------------------------------------------------ confirm no ------------------------------------------------ elseif msgcontains(msg, 'no') and (talk_state >= 1 and talk_state <= 34) then selfSay('Ok than.') talk_state = 0 end -- Place all your code in here. Remember that hi, bye and all that stuff is already handled by the npcsystem, so you do not have to take care of that yourself. return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new())
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